June 25, 2018
Thoughts from a Seasoned Gym Owner…
Twenty-five years of coaching and eighteen years of All Star business ownership, I have seen a lot, experienced a lot, accomplished a lot, met a lot of amazing people and I have had the opportunity to positively influence and impact the lives of many. Mission Accomplished.
I have experienced my business growing, I have experienced setbacks. I have had to start completely over, and I have had to re-invent my idea of what my business was. Athletes have grown up with me – from 4 to 18 years old- trained from beginner to elite levels and won a host of local, state and national championship titles. I have even been blessed to Rank Top 10 at the World Cheerleading Championship twice during my career (2012 and 2018). Track Record Proven.
Parents have been supportive, parents have been not so engaged or supportive. Seasons have been successful, some seasons have been filled with losses, injuries, and stress. Athletes have come, athletes have gone. I have learned to be okay with that because I realized, the All Star Cheer Industry is a very transient and emotional business. What’s in today, may be out tomorrow. Lessons Learned.
The thing that sustains me and keeps me afloat amid the twists and turns, highs and lows – peaks and valleys of this business is a single decision I made at the start. Before I embarked upon this journey, I asked myself am I trying to make a dollar or a difference.
Crazy, right? Every good business owner will say – a Dollar, of course!
For me, from the inception of my business I decided to make a difference in the lives of the children and families that I serve was more important to me than making a dollar (or winning a title, trophy or ring). Now don’t misunderstand, making money is important – it is not as important – to me as making a difference. Purpose Defined.
I was clear that serving others and equipping children with the skills and experiences they need to be successful in life was more important than ANYTHING else. That gave me clarity in purpose and that shaped every decision I have ever made about my business. It is that clarity that sustains me during the low moments – when I am criticized, lied upon and ridiculed. When goals aren’t realized and when I find myself back at the drawing board. Foundation Fortified.
Entering year nineteen, I have gained even greater clarity in purpose. Equipping the first generation of Heat Athletes (who are now coaches) with the tools they need to not only mentor, train and teach athletes but also how to manage the business is paramount. Ensuring that they have the tools to successfully lead this or their own brands in the future is essential. Assisting other business owners as they enter this Industry or seek to grow in the industry is also a greater priority. I fully embrace the perspective, “We Rise by Lifting Others” and I see it as the next evolution of this vision. Vision Evolved.
Stay tuned, there is so much more to come… Coach

Author: Veronica Burton
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