An Open Letter
Dear Black Girls That Cheer,
Has anyone told you today how BEAUTIFUL you are? We know you rolled out of bed and looked in the mirror then asked yourself what you were going to do with your hair today. You wondered whether your curls were gonna behave or if you sweated out your fresh press. You wrestled with trying to find the common ground between the socially acceptable and the natural. You gazed in the mirror, looked at the skin you’re in and likely picked yourself apart and found every last one of the tiniest imperfections possible. Well we want to be sure to tell you how much we admire every kink, coil, and curl. That spot on your right cheek is the prettiest freckle we’ve ever seen.The glow of your deeply rich, melanated skin shines so bright it’s blinding. You my love are divinely GORGEOUS!

Black Girls Cheer – Cheersport 2018
Has anyone told you today how TALENTED you are? Did you know all the work, drive and effort that you put in is about to yield amazing results? We know that this sport that you have chosen to participate in requires time and sacrifice. We know you may have missed some fun outings with friends because you had practice or a game that day. We know that there are some that don’t find value in what you are doing. There are those that don’t believe or understand all that you invest in honing your craft. We know you may feel like no one is watching and believing in you. But WE ARE!
Has anyone told you today that I AM ROOTING FOR YOU? Senator Kamala Harris said it best with her viral quote last weekend…“My advice to Black girls everywhere: whenever you find yourself in a room where there aren’t a lot of people who look like you — be it a classroom, or a boardroom, or a courtroom — remember that you have an entire community in that room with you, all of us cheering you on.” So whenever you find yourself in that room, on that stage, on that field, or on that court, remember that you aren’t as alone as you may appear to be. Your sisters are there, holding you, shouting for you, in the stands and in the crowd rooting for you, ready to see you WIN!
At times, we all lose focus by trying to fit what we perceive to be everyone else’s ideals. We try to place ourselves in this box not recognizing that our “je ne sais quoi” and indescribable power lies in our inability to confirm to societal standards.
All in all, we just want you to are VALUABLE, you are WORTHY, and WE SEE YOU!
With Love,
Team Black Girls Cheer
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